SO Internship Program Spring/Summer 2024 – Admission Period Started

As of today, we are launching the admission period of our internship program for the semester of Spring/Summer 2024. Our internship program is semester-long and is intended especially for university students in both bachelor’s and master’s programs. Primarily but not exclusively of security studies, international relations, and similar programs. If you are interested in the program, contact us at and we will provide you with more information. The deadline for delivering all the documents necessary for applying to the program is February 10,2024. These documents are your CV and a short written admission task.

What Are the Internship’s Requirements?

For the upcoming semester, we offer two forms of the internship program. To bachelor’s students, we offer the program in the following form:

  • The interns are required to write and submit 2 articles (in Czech, Slovak, or English), which will be published on the Security Outlines website. The topic of the article is predominantly up to each individual intern.
  • For writing the article, each intern is assigned a senior member of our editorial office, depending on his/hers region of interest, which guides the intern through the article-writing process. An intern works on his/her article throughout the internship program (a semester). Interns receive comprehensive feedback on their work so they can improve their analytical and writing skills.

For master’s students the form is:

  • The interns are required to write and submit 3 articles, which will be published on the Security Outlines website. The topics of these articles are predominantly up to each individual intern.
  • The submission pace needs to be 1 article per month so that all 3 articles are already published or ready to be published at the end of the respective semester. The exact schedule for the respective semester is given to the interns after they are accepted to the program. Apart from that, it is essentially the intern’s choice when he/she wants to work on the articles.
  • The estimated time burden is 80 hours spread over the whole semester.

What Do Our Interns Get?

As all the articles we publish go through a peer-review process (or editation, if you like), you receive feedback on each of your articles. This provides you with the opportunity to improve your analytical and writing skills. You can also include in your CV the internship as well as all your articles (we have our own ISSN). On top of all that, you will become a part of a great collective of people who are not only interested in the field of security and international relations but are already working within the field or are preparing to do so.

Also, you, of course, receive a confirmation of completion of the internship program so that you can get the internship recognized by, e.g., your university. Currently, we have an ongoing partnership with the Security and Strategic Studies program of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, the Institute of Political Science of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University and the Security Studies program at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relation, University of Matej Bela. Our internship is recognized by these institutions and their students can therefore receive ECTS credits for completing the internship. If you are coming from a different institution, contact the person responsible for this agenda within your organization to check the internship program is recognized.

If you are interested in our internship program, contact us at and we will provide you with more detailed information and instructions for the admission task.


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