Ever since September 11, the United States has engaged in a foreign policy of aggressiveness unseen since the era of neo-colonialism of the late 19th century. [1] The U.S. has engaged in regime change, invasion, targeted assassination, punitive expeditions, and…

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has challenged traditional notions of air superiority, as Ukraine successfully employed an air denial strategy against a larger adversary. As Taiwan faces its own security challenges, it can draw valuable lessons from Ukraine’s experience…

,,Silní robia čo môžu, a slabí trpia čo musia.“ (Michael Yahuda, 2013). Juhočínske more je priesečníkom záujmov ekonomických, vojenských, politických, a v neposlednom rade prestížnych. Kto ho ovláda, dosiahol víťazstvo v geopolitickom spore rozdúchavanom Čínou, ktorá si bez vážnejšieho ohľadu na suverenitu ostatných štátov…